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Sulmet Oblets

  • For calves in the treatment of the following diseases: Bacterial Pneumonia & Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (Shipping Fever Complex)(Pasteurella spp.), Colibacillosis (bacterial scours) (E. Coli), Calf Diphtheria (Fusobacterium necrophorum)
  • For foals: Bacterial Pneumonia (secondary infections associated with Pasteurella spp.), Strangles (Streptococcus equi), Bacterial Enteritis (E. Coli).
  • Sulmet sulfamethazine works fast. If symptoms persist after using this preparation for 2 or 3 days, consult a veterinarian. Excessive dosage may cause toxic reactions.
  • 10 day withdrawl time. Violative tissue residue may remain longer if more than 5 continuous dosages used or if used with calves under a month or on an all milk diet. Do not use in female dairy cattle over 20 months as may cause milk residues.

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Sulmet Liquid

  • For treatment control in chickens and turkeys see label.
  • Add the required dose given above to that amount of water that will be consumed in 1 day; consumption should be carefully checked. Typically cattle, calves and swine will consume approximately 1 gallon per 100 lb body weight per day.
  • 10 day withdrawl time. Violative tissue residue may remain longer if more than 5 continuous dosages used or if used with calves under a month or on an all milk diet. Do not use in female dairy cattle over 20 months as may cause milk residues.

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